
Started on Oct. 5th 2024

my pet melon png

Oct 5th

I am very pathetically giving up on trying to do an actual blog code rn, especially since i almost lost my entire fucking about page in the process. It should be easy to do it like this and I can always just archive posts if I cant figure out a scroll bar anytime soon. I think i did enough for today though, 3 whole fucking pages is quite a bit when you think about it. Goodnight to no one except people who post tutorials and templates on neocities, I owe yall my life. -Mk

Oct 6th

Jesus christ I hate debt collectors, why the fuck am I getting bullshit letters in the mail for something that happened almost half a year ago. In other news, I got to order the elvis amiibo card ive been wanting so now I can have him back on my island. Ive missed him a lot :[. Ill try and update more of this site tonight or tomorrow, either one.

Oct 11th

depressive episodes go fucking crazy. i still gotta figure out an archive system for these posts or smth so it doesnt lengthen the page all the way to hell. still waiting on elvis animal crossing but i got skye and kyle already. hopefully things look up soon.


PFP is Noodle from Gorillaz


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